Procedural Tracks & Machine Learning

Technical Designer / Artist (Houdini)
Personal Project - Tech Demo
 March 2020

After a brief introduction to machine learning, through a dedicated course in class, I decided to continue this project as a personal one, combining it with my knowledge of Houdini.
 I built a procedural track in which cars powered by machine learning evolve learning by trial and error. All the project was exclusively done in Houdini and Unity with Houdini Engine, based on a mix of what I previously learned and multiple new tutorials.
The HDA is taking a simple curve as an input to generate the track and automatically place bumpers, guard rails and checkpoints along it. 
The terrain is procedurally generated with biomes and adapts to the track. For more on procedural terrain generation you can take a look at an other of my personal projects : Houdini Terrain Pipeline.
Other complementary HDAs were added such as : Mountain Stamps, Cacti Generator, multiple objects placements, etc. 

The project is based on machine learning and proceduralism. The combination of both is particularly interesting to test out the efficiency of the machine learning in various environments through fast iterations of tracks.
At the time of this project the two were separated but I then experimented the mix of both together to generate procedural content through machine learning using PDG.
If you want to see more you can take a look at the project on Artstation:

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